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Application Form

Name :

Position Applied for :

Email :

Current Location :

Date :

Preferred Location :


Consider the reader does not know any thing about the product. Referring to the product details you have just read above, give an introduction of the product.

Mention the three most important features of this product according to you.

Mention three points for how this product is different from other products engaged in the same line.

Mention two points about this product that may be difficult to convince to a new customer OR Mention two points because of which the customer might not buy this product.


Mention how you crossed certain barriers (in your earlier job) to gain access to a client that is very difficult to approach. Give the same with an example.

How have you inspired any client to take a faster and a better decision when the client wanted to postpone his buying decision? (Give one example from your previous job)

What would your reaction be if the client refuses to hear all the details you want to explain or arrives at a conclusion before hearing your complete explanation/presentation?


Are you comfortable with the tender process (typically in Govt. and public sector clients) or direct marketing process (typically in private and corporate sector clients) to achieve sales?

How comfortable are you with traveling?

Indicate your skills for below – Tick in appropriate box only

Software Applications
  MS Word
  MS Excel
  MS Power Point
  Dropbox / Box / Google Drive / One Drive

Languages Known


Date of Birth :

Qualifications :

Prizes / Awards / Rewards (if any) (job related only, do not mention school/college/university level prizes)

Hobbies :

Open for relocation if required

Last drawn salary & Details of current / last job

Expected salary

Why do you wish to change your current job

Notice period for current job / time required to join if selected

Anything else you would like us to know?

Thank You.